Monday, May 19, 2014

Liebster Award #2

\\Assalamualaikum// n hye... ni kali kedua ais kena liebster award. haha

kena tag oleh Izzah  . :) thanks. 
Rules : Official Rules Liebster Award
● Mention the person who nominated you with a link to their blog 
● Answer the question asked
● Nominated 11 other blogger with a smaller following but with a lots of potential
● Create 11 of your own question for then to answer
● Notify your nominate 

1. Where are you study?
 - Well , my current school SMU(A) Nahdatul Ulum Jeli . Kelantan.

2. What do you think special about yourself?
- Hmm, i don't know, but i might tell that I proud with my painting. lol XD. nothing to say really.

3. Why you start blogging?
- When Im 13 years old, I like to surf internet until I drown. XD. Then I found a blogger, I didnt remember who. -,- Sorry. So, to release my boring I try make one. :D. But, now and from now on my aim why I still blogging was to share my story. :) thats all... XD

4. What country that you really want to travel and why?
- I'm an otaku, but an half otaku maybe. So, I choose japan, bcause I like their culture and how they life. :D.

5. What favourite movie you like to watch?
- Action, horror, funny, fantasy, adventure, mystery, thriller

6. What your personal vision in your life?
- Always happy. lol.

7. Who the best role model in your life?
- Nabi Muhammad S.A.W . :D

8. What your hobby?
- Waste my time. xD

9. What things that you really hate?
- Liar,

10. Who are your favourite blogger?
- Can't say it :P

11. What do you think about my blog and give me same tips to improve it^^?
- The truth is I didnt like your font . sorry, :c . tips? hmm, don't add so many widget, It can make your blog heavy . thats all. thank you. ^^

Selesai dah jawab soalan2 yang telah diajukan ini. hahah. So, rules tetap rule kan.. Jadi ais akan tag random je sape2 yang terkena tu kena lah ye. hehe..

Ni skema soalan yang Ais bagi kat korang. haha.

1. Do you like your school / work / home ? . Why ?
2. Do you think your life burden you a lot?
3. How much time you use to do your hobby? XD
4. Shame of something?
5. What your favourite songs?
6. Its already 12p.m, and yet you still wake, then suddenly you heard a weird noise and never heard before, how do you act?
7. What do you do when you feel someone stalk you?
8. What do you feel when your beloved things gone or be stolen?
9. Some things can be settle alone, but somes not? It is right? Why?
10. Do you always doing crazy things?
11. I like to laugh, do you? lol xD

senarai2 mangsa . :3. ambik kat cbox je. hahah.

Thursday, May 8, 2014


\\Assalamualaikum// n hye...
I had already finished my exam 9 hours ago. *Itu pun nak beritahu. . Okay, dah lama aku tak jenguk blog ni. Rindu pulak. Hari ni aku exam Pendidikan Syariah Islam. Soalan boleh tahan la. Tapi yang paling sakit hati, aku study , baca buku teks dan buku rujukan apa2 jelah , tak dapat ingat wey. -,- Frustating betul masa jawab exam. Aku fikir balik, maybe sebab aku study bukan tepat pada time, aku study pukul 1 pagi, time mata aku kuyu-kuyu minta tidur. Hehehe.

Aku study yang form 4 , yang form 5 aku study sikit2 je sebab aku ingat yang keluar exam soalan form 4 yang banyak, tapi rupanya semua soalan form 5 je. Berkecai hati aku tengok soalan yang ohsem tu hahaha. Disebabkan aku dah terluka macam tu sekali, aku main tibai je lah jawapan yang mana aku tak tahu, yang aku tahu takkan aku nak buat tak tahu pula haha. Kertas satu bolehlah aku fikir juga sebab ada pilihan jawapan. Kertas dua soalan subjektif,*otak blurr* kesian den. -,- Tapi takpe aku redha , siapa suruh malas membaca, macam ni lah ganjarannya. :3

Setiap kali aku menghilangkan diri dari dunia blog dan tiba-tiba je muncul , automatik hiasan blog aku berubah. Haha, Kejap2, sebenarnya aku ada terfikir nak guna simple template(denim) yang pernah aku guna dulu, tapi aku dah lupa cara nak edit code dorang. -,- Lama sangat kot aku tinggalkan simple template ni. Aku guna blogskins ni pada awalnya aku nak cuba je sebab aku baca kat blog sana blog situ blog sini blog sinun hangat gosip pasal blogskins ni loading cepat la apa2 la. So, tergerak hati aku nak cuba blogskins. Aku ingt code blogskins ni guna HTML , tapi guna Css,javascript je nak edit. Ye larh, code simple template kan complicated, salah edit salah jadinya. Tapi blogskins kita isi sendiri ruangan template tu. Sebab tu macam2 jenis bentuk boleh jadi. -,- Hmm, aku nak kembali ke simple template or nak stay? kena fikir la.. -,-

Aku nak tanya la pendapat pembaca-pembaca di luar sana tuuu~,  penggunaan "aku", "saya" ataupun "aisyah" yg patut aku guna dalam blog aku ni. Yelah, aku ni sekejap guna aku, sekejap guna saya, kejap2 guna aisyah. Unik gitu. haha. Aku terfikir gak, guna "aisyah" ni terlalu formal ke? guna "saya" ni terlalu gedik ke? or guna "aku" ni terlalu kasar ke? -,- *chak!